Maximize Your Backyard’s Privacy With These Unique Ideas

If you're a homeowner, your backyard is probably a space where you look forward to spending private, quality time watching your children play or entertaining dinner guests. The privacy you and your family treasure could suddenly be put at risk if your neighbors finish renovations allowing them to see into your backyard, or if a tree that once hid your backyard from view needs to be removed. If you're looking to reclaim the privacy you've lost in your yard, here are some options you will want to consider. Your Property Line Is A Natural Barrier That You Can Use To…
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Five Places Mold Could Be Hiding In Your Home

Even the most aesthetically pleasing homes can have mold issues. A type of fungus that thrives on moisture, mold can trigger symptoms such as itching eyes, asthma attacks and bouts of sneezing or coughing. As a result of the possible health issues, mold is the sort of problem that should be dealt with prior to listing a home, and people who are in the market to buy a home would do well to have a licensed professional conduct a mold test on any home they're seriously interested in buying. What follows is a rundown of five places in the home…
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Take Your Laundry From Drab To Fab With These Five Easy Fixes

If you're looking to lengthen the life span of your clothing without always needing to purchase something new to wear, consider the following five easy steps every time you do a load of laundry. It's a little bit of effort that goes a very long way; and who knows, you might just enjoy doing laundry again after seeing such great results! Button, Zip, Turn Inside Out, And Separate Spend a little bit of extra time making sure your buttons are buttoned, your zippers are zipped, and clothes are turned inside out. Doing so will ensure that your garments are less…
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Baby On the Way? Baby Proof Your Home In Just One Weekend

One of the most exciting times in a parent's life is the time before a baby's arrival. Between anticipation and preparation time passes in an instant, and before you know it you will be holding your little one in your arms. Although newborns are too small to get into too much trouble, in only a few short months your child will be looking to explore the world around them. Make sure your home is ready for the adventure, and baby proofing is done in advance. Over the course of a single weekend you can transform your home into a baby…
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How You Can Get The Full Selling Price You Want For Your Home

When it comes to selling your home and getting the full selling price you want, there are certain tactics and methods you can employ to ensure that this wish becomes a reality. Avoiding the commonly made mistakes that end up lowering the value of your home and discouraging people from viewing it is ultimately the key in getting top dollar, as well carrying out the showings and sale of your home in a professional manner. Listen to the professionals, and make sure you employ these real estate sale methods to get your desired number on your home sale. Listing Tactic:…
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Six Creative Lighting Installations That Will Enhance Your Home

When people purchase their home, one of their common requests is "plenty of light." And for good reason! This is a critical factor for enjoying your home, and when designing your interior, you should pay special attention to just that: your sources of light. See them not only as a way to brighten up your room, but also as an opportunity to infuse your home with a fashionable design and aesthetic appeal. You'd be surprised at how much lighting can dramatically enhance any given room in your home. Here are our six favorite lighting installations that are bound to give…
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Give Your Home An Instant Facelift, Wallpaper Is Back

Though it can be an entirely different story for a trend shift in the opposite direction, which then requires you to get out the soaking bucket and scraping tool, wallpaper coming back into style is a home décor blessing for many. Wallpaper is back in - in a big way! - and it's making your dreams of accomplishing a fashionable living space come true much faster and easier than you could have imagined. Quite frankly, wallpaper can do the "fashionable home" trick to virtually any room in your house, adding that touch of warmth and personality you've so far only…
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Stage Your Home For Spring: Tips For Using The Season To Your Selling Advantage

Spring has arrived! The flowers are blossoming, the greyness of the sky is clearing, and the air is warming. The best season to sell your home is here, and with the added natural light and blossoming colors, you can easily take advantage of the benefits of spring when it comes to selling your home. Make sure to show it for all it's worth, and follow these simple tips for staging your home in spring that will make your home the one listing that buyers can't resist. Fresh Flowers: Put Mother Nature To Work Nothing says spring like fresh-cut flowers. Bring…
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Green Living: Water Saving Tips For Spring

Water is the planet's most precious resource. Access to clean water is a privilege that, unfortunately, many people still take for granted. By utilizing new water efficiency technologies and age-old conservation methods, we can help preserve the water supply for future generations. Cutting down on consumption whenever possible is something that everyone can do to live a little greener. Making Sure Your Home Holds Water The first stop on your journey to save water is to ensure your home is free of water leaks. Make your way through your home, and properly shut off the water at all fixtures and…
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Condo Vs House: Which Is Best For Your Lifestyle?

Some people love living in condos, while others swear by detached homes. When it comes to deciding between the two, however, you can't always rely on someone else's word. Sometimes it's as simple as understanding and assessing your lifestyle to make the best choice, since condo living and home ownership are two radically different experiences, and thereby serve two very different types of lifestyles and personalities. Here are a few considerations if you're trying to decide whether you should invest in a house or a condo. House: Best If You Have A Furry Friend Do you have a furry friend…
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