ITIN Loans: Are These Loans Right For You?

As you take a look at your mortgage options, you might find that a conventional mortgage presents a few qualification challenges. Fortunately, there are other options available, and you might be able to pursue an ITIN loan. This stands for Individual Tax Identification Number, and Individual Tax Identification Number loans could be beneficial for people cannot get approved for a qualified mortgage. What do you need to know about the process? What Are The Requirements Of An ITIN Loan? First, you need to get an Individual Tax Identification Number. While you do not need a Social Security Number, you might need to fill…
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What Is an Assumable Mortgage Loan: What You Need To Know

Everything has its benefits and drawbacks, and that includes mortgage loans. There are plenty of options available, and you need to find the best one to meet your needs. You have probably heard about conventional mortgages, FHA loans, and even VA loans. On the other hand, have you heard about assumable mortgages? What do you need to know about this option, and how do you know if it is right for you?  An Overview Of An Assumable Mortgage So, what is an assumable mortgage loan? This means that the buyer is responsible for taking over the mortgage obligations of the…
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What To Know About Living In A 55 And Up Community

Are you thinking about moving in the near future? If you are approaching your golden years, you might be able to move into a community specifically designed for people 55 years of age and older. What are some of the top reasons to consider this type of community?  No Maintenance To Worry About One of the biggest headaches of owning a home is the maintenance that goes along with it. As you get older, you might find that the maintenance gets more difficult, but in a 55 and up community, you might not have to worry about this. Many older…
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The Top Reasons To Stop Renting And Buy Today

Buying a house can be expensive, and it can take a long time to save up money for a down payment; however, it might be time for you to stop renting and buy your own place. What are some of the top reasons why it might be time to put down some roots? Your Rent Is Going Up The reality is that your rent will go up with time. Every time you renew your lease, it can be frustrating to see that rent check continue to increase. If you are tired of your rent going up, get a mortgage. You…
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Getting A Mortgage When Self-Employed: What You Need To Know

There is a common misconception that someone who is self-employed will not have the tax records or income necessary to qualify for a mortgage; however, that is not necessarily the case. In reality, if you are self-employed, there are a lot of home loan options available to you. It is true that it might require some additional paperwork and planning, but as long as you have the necessary information, you should be able to qualify for a mortgage.  What Is Necessary To Qualify For A Self-Employed Mortgage Loan? If you are interested in taking out a mortgage when you are…
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3 Reasons Why Buying an Investment Property Is the Best Way to Build Your Net Worth

Whether you have recently graduated from college or are getting close to retirement, it's likely that you have given some thought as to how you can grow your net worth. You might have invested in stocks, picked up a few bonds or have a 401(k) plan set up to help fund your retirement. But have you considered buying real estate as part of your portfolio? In today's blog post we'll have a look at three reasons why real estate investing is one of the most effective ways to grow your overall net worth. Reason #1: It Generates Passive Income One…
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How to Run a Quick Financial Health Check Before You Apply for a Mortgage

Are you planning on using a mortgage to help cover the cost of a new home? If so, you will want to prepare your finances and figure out how you will manage all those wallet-draining monthly expenses. Let's take a look at how to run a quick financial health check to ensure you are ready to apply for a mortgage. Update (Or Start) Your Monthly Budget First, it is essential to get the basics out of the way. If you haven't already, it's time to start a monthly budget to keep track of your income and expenses. Once you have…
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VA Loans: Are They Assumable?

Members of the military, their family members, and veterans have access to a unique mortgage option called a VA loan. This can be a strong option because it provides borrowers with an opportunity to purchase a house for less than 20 percent down. While not everyone is eligible for a VA loan, there are a lot of people who are wondering, are VA loans assumable? There are a few key points to keep in mind. What Is An Assumable Loan? An assumable loan means that the buyer is essentially going to take over the mortgage held by the seller. Essentially,…
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The Cost Of Building A House

Are you in the market for a new house? If so, you might be thinking about building your own house. It can be exciting to go through the process of building a house, as you will be in control of just about everything. On the other hand, how much is it going to cost you to build a house? You need to make sure you have an estimate before you decide to move forward with your project.  What Is The Actual Cost Of Building A House? First, it is important to go through the actual itemized list line by line.…
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Should You Sell Or Rent Your Primary Residence

Are you interested in purchasing a rental property? Instead of buying a new one, you might want to convert your primary residence into a rental property, particularly if you plan on moving in the near future. At the same time, you might think it is better to sell the property and take the cash instead. Which option is best for you? Potential Issues Converting Your Primary Residence To A Rental Property If you want to convert your primary residence into a rental property, there are a few important issues to keep in mind. First, you must make sure you have…
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