6 Money Making Tips For The First Time Home Seller

Today's homebuyers can have specific ideas and personal preferences that influence their decision on what attracts them to a particular property. While some prefer a fixer-upper, many desire a home that’s as close to turn-key as possible. First time home sellers may help expedite the process with these six home selling tips.  Determine Right Listing Price A home priced competitively in its market typically sells faster. Professional REALTORS® know the area and look at comparative listings to help determine the right listing price. First time home sellers often think their home should list higher, and this can turn away buyers.…
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Thinking Of Renovating? Cash-out Mortgage Refinancing Might Be the Best Way to Fund It

If you are a homeowner thinking about a significant home renovation, you have probably already considered your budget. As with any large project, you need to have the ability to pay the expected costs plus have a little bit extra set aside, just in case. The great news is that if you are a homeowner with a mortgage, you may qualify for cash-out refinancing, which can be a helpful way to leverage some of your home equity to cover renovation costs. In today's blog post we'll explore the topic of cash-out refinancing and how this unique financial product can help…
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What Are The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Putting 20 Percent Down On A Home Purchase?

Several generations ago, lenders required home buyers to have a 20 percent down payment in order to get a mortgage. While there were a few options out there for people who couldn't save this substantial amount, the reality was that for the majority of people, the 20 percent down was a requirement. It was the way to show that you were financially responsible enough for homeownership. And it was a strong way that the banks felt secure in making a home loan. Today, however, homebuyers have many options available to them as they shop for a new home, and those…
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Is A VA Loan The Best Option For Your Needs?

If you plan on buying a house in the near future, there are a few mortgage options available. One potential option is called a VA loan. This is a loan that has been backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and it could provide you with some added flexibility that you can use to purchase a house. Is a VA loan right for you? There are a few points to keep in mind. Who Qualifies For A VA Loan? First, not everyone is able to access a VA loan. This is a loan that is generally only available to active members of…
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3 Critical Tips for Buying a Home in a Short Sale

You just found your perfect home, and you feel like everything is right including the price. But, what could be wrong with your ideal home? Maybe, it is being sold as a short sale, and that could present a major challenge if you want to become be the eventual homeowner. Short sales are different from other conventional real estate transactions since the property in question is usually listed at a price that is much lower than the amount of the outstanding mortgage debt. Unlike a regular sale, the homeowner must obtain permission from the lender before proceeding with the transaction.…
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A Reverse Mortgage And A Home Equity Conversion: What To Know

If you are getting ready to retire, you need to make sure you have income to support yourself during your golden years. One popular option is a reverse mortgage, and you can use it to supplement the benefits you receive through Social Security. On the other hand, you may have also heard about a home equity conversion mortgage. What are the differences between them, and which one is right for you? A Reverse Mortgage A reverse mortgage is a popular option because you can tap into the equity you have in your home to receive funds from a specific lender.…
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White Lies That Could Make It Harder To Buy A Home

Right now, the real estate market is very competitive, and you might be tempted to use a few white lies to make your offer seem more competitive. No matter how much you want to purchase a home, you need to make sure you are completely honest and open when you go through the process from start to finish. What or a few examples of common white lies that people tell that could jeopardize your application or your mortgage as a whole? Lying About Your Primary Residence If you plan on living in the house full-time, make sure you say so.…
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An Overview Of A Wrap-Around Mortgage: What To Know

Are you having a difficult time qualifying for a traditional mortgage in the current market? If so, there are other options available, and a lack of financing can frustrate not only the buyer but the seller as well. For example, one option that you may have heard about is called a wrap-around mortgage. The entire goal of this mortgage is to help the buyer get financing to purchase the house while making sure the seller still turns a profit. What do you need to know about a wrap-around mortgage?  What is A Wrap-Around Mortgage? A wrap-around mortgage is a specific…
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How to Get Along With Your Homeowners Association

Rules and covenants of a homeowners association can be a bit overwhelming, especially for a first time homeowner. Understanding that the regulations are designed to protect the value of your home helps make some restrictions easier to live with. Homeowners Association CC&Rs, which stands for "covenants, conditions and restrictions," can be intimidating. But, with the growing number of communities and subdivisions that have existing HOAs, it's important to know what you're getting into before you buy a home. Associations Come In All Forms An association's goal is to maintain the ambience of the community and assure that home values are upheld.…
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Manage These 3 Items Before Applying For A Mortgage

Mortgage lenders weigh the risk of getting their principal and interest paid back by looking at the qualities of the prospective borrower. And due to the amount of money being requested and lent to purchase homes, those requirements can become daunting.  Working with a trusted and qualified mortgage professional makes this sometimes confusing process a little clearer. To this end, there are three things that a potential homebuyer can do to prepare for the mortgage approval process: Manage Debt And Credit Levels For many homebuyers, managing their credit score is the biggest challenge. Mortgage lenders like buyers with strong credit.…
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