Should You Consider Purchasing A Newly Built Home?

If you have been in the process of looking for a home for a long time, you understand just how difficult it has been. You may have considered building your own house, but after seeing the bidding wars for land before you even start building, you may have crossed newly built homes off your list. Now, there are a few reasons why you should consider adding new homes back to your search.  There Is An Elevated Supply Of Newly Built Homes Right now, there is an elevated supply of newly built homes. Even though the overall inventory of available houses…
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How To Age Gracefully In The Comfort Of Your Own Home

There are many people who would rather age in the comfort of their own homes than in a large nursing home somewhere. As people get older, they are more susceptible to slips, trips, and falls. Their joints do not work as well as they used to, they might have a difficult time balancing, and their eyesight may start to fade. If you want to age comfortably in your home, there are a few upgrades you should consider making to your house. The Bathroom The bathroom is one of the most dangerous rooms in the house because the floor can get…
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How Large Of A Down Payment Do You Truly Need?

If you are interested in purchasing a home, how much money should you put down? This is a difficult question that all potential homeowners need to answer, as it will dictate the size and location of the house you can afford. There are a number of factors to consider, so what do you need to know? Generally, Putting More Down Is Better There is a solid chance that a home loan is going to be the largest loan you will ever take out in your life. Therefore, there is some risk involved, and you must make sure you can pay…
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Escrow And Your Mortgage: The Most Important Points To Know

There are many complicated terms thrown around regarding your mortgage, and one of them is an escrow account. You will probably hear that your lender will collect some additional money every month for escrow payments. If you take a look at your mortgage statement, you will see your interest, your principal, and your escrow. What does this mean, and why do you have to pay additional money that isn't going toward the balance of your loan? The Definition Of An Escrow Account An escrow account is an extra account that your lender opens on your behalf to make sure certain…
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The Right (And Wrong) Reasons To Buy A House

There are many people who dream of owning a home, but you need to purchase your home for the right reasons. Simply purchasing a house because other people are doing so is not a strong reason to make such an expensive purchase. What are some of the reasons why you should purchase a house? What are some examples of bad reasons to buy a home? The Right Reasons To Buy A Home There are several strong reasons why you should consider purchasing property. If you have children, you may want them to attend a specific school. Therefore, you might be…
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How Can You Increase The Safety And Functionality Of Your Home?

What do you need to do if you want to improve the safety and functionality of your home? You may not think that your home has a lot of safety hazards, but you might be surprised at how many people get hurt at home every year. Particularly if you have older people in your home, or if you have people in your house with disabilities, you need to pay close attention to your safety and functionality. What are a few tips you should keep in mind?  Target The Lights In Your Home If you have an older home, it may…
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The Top Reasons To Pay Off Your Mortgage Before You Retire

As you get closer to your retirement age, you should try to discharge as much of your debt as possible. Unfortunately, many people close to the age of retirement still have a significant mortgage balance they need to pay off. What are some of the top reasons why you should pay off your mortgage before you retire? Your Portfolio Might Not Generate As Much Interest You may have a very low rate on your mortgage, which means that your money is better served in the stock market; however, as you approach the age of retirement, your portfolio might not generate…
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Amortization: What You Need To Know About How Your Loan Is Paid Off

If you own a home, you will see a lot of information about your payment schedule. It specifies exactly what payments you have to make, when you have to make them, and how much of each payment will go toward your principal and interest. This is called an amortization schedule, and it is typically designed in such a way that your last payment pays off your loan down to the penny. How does this impact the life of your loan? Most Of Your First Few Payments Go Toward The Interest During the first few years, the majority of each payment…
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Closing Costs And A Cash Sale: Who Pays?

There are some people who are able to pay cash for a home. Typically, these are individuals who are selling an existing property that has gone up in value. Now, all of a sudden, they have a lot of extra money they can spend on a house. If you can pay cash for a home, you have a lot of extra negotiating power. When it is time to complete the sale, who pays? What Is Included In Closing Costs? Before deciding who pays closing expenses, it is important to take a look at what is included. Because you do not…
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A Non-QM Mortgage: What Does This Mean?

If you are interested in purchasing a house, you need to review all of the offers available. The vast majority of loan officers are going to talk about something called qualifying mortgages, which is usually shortened to QM. You may be asking, what is a non-qualifying mortgage? This is usually shortened to Non-QM, and it simply means that the loan does not conform with the rules and regulations put in place by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, usually shortened to CFPB. What are the differences between a QM and Non-QM mortgage, and which one is right for your needs? A…
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