3 Reasons to Hit the Accelerator on Your Mortgage Payments – If You Can Afford It

Does the thought of repaying your mortgage for the next twenty-plus years leave you feeling a little down? Whether you've had your mortgage for weeks or years, accelerating your payments is an excellent option that can help get your mortgage fully paid off in a shorter time frame. Let's explore three great reasons to accelerate your payments so that your mortgage debt is paid down faster. You'll Be Debt-Free That Much Faster It may seem obvious, but it's worth stating that you'll be debt-free that much quicker if you accelerate your repayment schedule. Every extra payment you make against your…
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An Overview Of A Buyer’s Agent

If you plan on purchasing a home in the near future, you have probably noticed that there are plenty of options available. The market changes quickly, the perfect house may come and go before you get a chance to see it, and you might have a hard time figuring out which house is right for you. A buyer's agent can be helpful, but do you actually need to work with one? There are several important points to keep in mind. A Buyer’s Agent Represents Your Interests You should consider working with the buyer's agent because they will represent your best…
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Mortgage Shopping And Your Credit Score

The vast majority of people have to take out a home loan to purchase a house. This means applying for a mortgage. Unfortunately, shopping for a mortgage can actually hurt your credit score. Any potential lender will probably have to do a hard pull on your credit. This could temporarily reduce your credit score by a few points. Those few points could make the difference between qualifying for a mortgage and getting denied one. Fortunately, there are ways for you to shop for a mortgage without hurting your credit. Check Your Credit Score First First, you need to check your credit…
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The Quick and Easy Guide to Understanding the Math Behind Your Mortgage Closing Costs

It's amazing that in a year with extremely low mortgage rates being reported around the country, closing costs are up by as much as 6% from the previous year. Part of the reason for this is that the stricter regulations on loans have increased the costs to banks, and they always find a way to pass on new costs to the consumer. Understanding Third-Party Closing Costs When closing on a mortgage the borrower will notice a long list of additional fees that they are expected to pay for. These can range from insignificant into the thousands of dollars depending on…
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Taking an Extended Vacation? Renting Your Home to Long-term Tenants is a Great Option

Taking an extended vacation can seem like a dream come true. You may have plans to spend your summer in Europe, your winter in the Caribbean or even a full year or longer exploring a different region. If you have the luxury of taking an extended vacation, you may have your sights set on adventure and relaxation. However, you also need to consider the practicality of leaving behind your home and belongings for an extended period of time. A great idea is to take on a long-term tenant for your home, and there are a number of benefits that you…
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The Top Tips To Remember When Moving

If you have recently purchased a home, you are probably excited to move into your new house; however, the moving process can be stressful. There are a few important tips you need to keep in mind if you are moving soon. Make sure to plan ahead, as there are several ways to save time and money. Get Quotes From A Few Moving Companies First, you need to get multiple quotes from multiple moving companies. If you have heavy furniture, it is better to hire a moving company to reduce the chances of your furniture getting damaged. When you talk to…
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Open Concept Living Is A Lifestyle Choice

The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on individuals and families across the world, and it has permanently changed the way we live our lives. We will continue to wash our hands more frequently than before, we will probably avoid people if we are the slightest bit ill, and the way our homes work has been changed forever. In particular, open-concept living might not be as popular as it once was.  Why Is Open Concept Living Less Popular Than Before? The biggest reason why open-concept living might now be less popular than it once was is that people are…
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Should Your First Home Be A Starter Home Or Forever Home?

If you are looking for a house for the first time, you might be wondering whether you should purchase a starter home or a forever home. A starter home is a home in which you intend to live for a few years before you sell it and upgrade to a better home. A forever home is a home that you intend to be in for ten years or more. You can see yourself moving into the house and potentially spending your entire life there. How do you decide which type of home you should purchase? A Starter Home If your…
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The Pros and Cons of ‘Mortgage Before Marriage’ for Young Couples

There was a time when a higher percentage of people were married before they committed to buying a home together, but it's a lot more common to co-habit and invest in a home together. If you're considering the commitment of a mortgage without being married, here are some things to be aware of before you start searching the market. Relationship Status Won't Affect Your Rates It might seem like there are greater risks involved if two individuals purchasing a property are not legally bound, but it actually makes no difference to the mortgage lender. If two people are buying a…
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The Top Ways To Use Home Equity

Equity is a powerful tool. As homeowners pay off the mortgage, the amount of equity in the house grows. As the house appreciates in value, homeowners accrue even more equity. Then, homeowners can tap into this equity for a variety of purposes. What are a few of the ways homeowners might be able to use this equity?  Purchase A New House One of the top ways homeowners can use the equity in their existing home is to purchase a house that better suits their needs. Even though homeowners may find a house that is right for them now, it might…
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