
The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

While most homeowners are vigilant about regularly wiping down surfaces, disinfecting bathrooms, dusting furniture and mopping floors, there are many nooks and crannies that don’t receive as much attention. That’s why March is the perfect month to do an annual overhaul on your home. Below is a spring cleaning checklist to help you knock it out. Living Room Wash curtains and throw pillows. Take rugs outside and beat them. Vacuum and spot clean sofas. Dust lampshades. Wipe down the television and all other electronics. Kitchen Organize and clean cabinets. Sort pantry and discard items past their due date Go through…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – March 31, 2014

Last week's economic news includes several reports about housing markets. The S&P Case-Shiller 10 and 20 city housing market indices, the FHFA House Price Index, New Home Sales and Pending Home sales reports suggest that the national housing market continues to grow, but at lower rates. Regional readings varied and suggested that winter weather was a negative influence on affected markets. In a press conference held on March 19 Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said that severe winter weather had interfered with the Fed's ability to get a clear reading on economic developments. The Case-Shiller 10 and 20-City Home Price…
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Get Your Lawn Ready For Spring

If you live in a climate where your yard has been hibernating for months, then you're probably ready for warmer weather and a hint of green outside your kitchen window. So, in preparation for children running on lush grass through spritzing sprinklers, use the five tips below to get your lawn ready for spring. It will reward you with picnic perfect grass all summer long. 1. Clean Up Winter's Clutter Take a rake and remove all of the dead leaves and debris left over from the winter months. Leaving a layer of last-year's foliage on the ground can smother your…
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S & P Case-Shiller Shows Home Prices Down For Third Consecutive Month

Harsh winter weather conditions contributed to home prices falling in January. The S&P Case-Shiller 20-City composite index reported that home prices dropped by 0.10 percent in January, but after seasonal adjustments, home prices increased by 0.80 percent in January as compared to December. 12 of 20 cities posted declines in home prices in January. There's no cause for alarm, as year-over-year home prices increased by 13.20 percent as compared to year-over –year readings of 13.40 percent in December and 13.70 percent in November. David Blitzer, chair of the S&P Dow Jones index committee, said "The housing market is showing signs…
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Think Like A Real Estate Agent

Before you put your home on the market, you want to make certain that it's in tip-top condition to ensure a quick sale. The key to listing your home at a competitive price and guaranteeing you have what buyers are looking for is to think like a real estate agent. To get your home ready to sell, here are five easy and inexpensive home improvements this real estate agent recommends: Layout – Take an objective look at your home and stage accordingly. Remove clutter and rearrange furniture so that potential buyers can envision each room's purpose. Also, store any obtrusive…
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Staging Your Home For Sale? Follow This Easy Guide And Find Success!

If you are going to be staging your home for sale in the near future, you will most likely want to do it as professionally and successfully as possible to get the best sale price. Many owners have to put a lot of money into their home before they can sell it, and some even invest in a staging expert to come to their home and do an assessment before they put it on the market. You don't have to spend too much on getting your home ready, though, and you can do a lot of it yourself. Consider these…
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Common Details Buyers Overlook When Viewing A Home

When you are looking at a potential home to buy, it's important to pay attention to the details so that you can ensure that you are making the right choice. However, many home buyers will get so caught up in the excitement that they will miss certain important things that they need to know about the property. If you are buying a home, make sure that you don't miss any of these commonly overlooked details: Do The Appliances Work? Take the time to test the major appliances in the home to make sure that they are functioning properly. This is…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – March 24, 2014

Last week's economic news included several housing-related reports including the Housing Market Index (HMI) for March, a report on housing starts, and building permits for February. The National Association of REALTORS® also released its Existing Home Sales report for February and the Federal Reserve issued its first FOMC statement under the helm of Fed Chair Janet Yellen. Home Builders Conservative On Housing Market Conditions The National Association of Home Builders Wells Fargo Housing Market Index rose by one point to a reading of 47 in March against a reading of 46 in February and against an expected reading of 50.…
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It’s Almost Spring Cleaning Time! Kick Clutter To The Curb With These Home Cleaning Tips

Spring is around the corner, and it's time to get your home in order! Spring cleaning can be fun and easy if you follow some general guidelines, which are sure to get your home ready for the nice weather and looking as beautiful as the weather is about to. Kick the winter clutter to the curb with these spring cleaning tips. Start With The Closets Spring is here, and winter wear is no longer needed! It's time to box up all of the winter boots, jackets, gloves, and scarfs until next season. Starting your spring clean with your closets is…
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NAHB Housing Market Index Ticks Upward

Spring is almost here, and the National Association of Home Builders Housing Market Index (NAHB HMI) thawed slightly in March. The current reading of 47 is one point higher than for February, but still indicates pessimism among a majority of builders surveyed. Analysts expected a March reading of 50. The gauge of builder confidence stayed near its lowest level since May. March's NAHB HMI reading remained below the benchmark reading of 50, which indicates that an equal number of builders are positive about housing market conditions as those who are negative. A reading over 50 indicates that more builders are…
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