
Thinking About Buying An Investment Property? 6 Tips To Ensure You Don’t Get Fleeced

Purchasing an investment property is one of the most important decisions that you'll ever be a part of. As such, it's a necessity to make your decisions with only the most careful of consideration. Here are six tips that you need to heed in order to ensure that you don't get fleeced. Find The Right Property At The Right Price Yes, this is a whole lot easier said than done. However, it's not impossible. All it takes is some patience and research. You have to determine what everything in your area is selling for in order to be able to…
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Three Mobile Apps That Make Home Automation Tasks Quick And Easy

These days, efficiency and productivity are the keys to life, which is why it's no surprise that home automation is a bigger topic than ever before. As more and more people become tech savvy and get used to working with handheld devices, home automation becomes a natural fit for your smartphone or other handheld device. After all, it's a true pleasure to be able to control nearly everything in your home from just one device! You have so many things to do each and every day that it could be too much of a hassle to do everything separately and…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 9, 2014

Last week's economic news was mixed. Construction spending grew, but fell below the expected level. CoreLogic reported that April home prices continued to rise, but did so at their slowest growth rate in more than a year. Employment reports for private sector and government jobs indicated fewer jobs, but the national unemployment rate was steady. Here are the details: Construction Spending, Home Price Growth Slows Construction spending reported by the Department of Commerce reached $953.5 billion annually, and increased by 0.20 percent month-to-month against expectations of an 0.80 percent increase and the March reading of 0.60 percent growth. According to…
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The Green Thumb: Four Easy Ways To Get More From Your Home Garden

Growing a home garden creates beauty, oxygen and even food for our families to enjoy. If you're looking to get more from your home garden, here are four easy ways to improve a green thumb. A Good Foundation For Your Garden Good soil is the foundation of a healthy garden. By using quality soil, you can give your garden the best start possible. Adding a variety of organic matter to soil will give plants a happy home to grow in. Add two to three inches of organic matter to your garden bed at the beginning of each season. Compost, dried…
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3 Signs It’s Time To Lower The Price On Your Real Estate

Selling your home or property in a slow real estate market isn't easy, but it can be done. Pricing your property right is the key to selling it within a reasonable amount of time. Sometimes this means lowering your price while it's on the market. Of course, you want to get as much money as possible, so how do you know when it's time to lower your asking price? No One Is Looking At Your Home If you expect your home to sell, you need to have people look inside it. Most buyers search for homes within a certain price…
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Six Easy Ways To Protect Your Home Against Burglars And Thieves

Burglaries are a concern for many North Americans. Although some communities report more break ins than others, everyone should be aware of their home's safety and security. Protecting yourself and your home from thieves can contribute to a better quality of life. Know And Connect With Your Neighbors There is much to be said about knowing your neighbors. By establishing connections with the residents around you, you'll be better equipped to spot suspicious people. When neighbors look out for other members the community, they give thieves less opportunity to case homes unnoticed. You may consider getting your neighbors together to…
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How To Build The Ultimate Tree House For Your Children In Just Seven Steps

Building a tree house is a time honored tradition for many families. One of the benefits of having a yard is the ability to build a tree fort for your children. If you're planning to build a fun fort for your kids, here are seven steps to help you create the ultimate tree house. The Ultimate Plan For The Perfect Playhouse The best projects are often the most thought out. Sit down with your children and lay the plans for their tree house. Let them contribute their thoughts and ideas so they feel a part of the planning process. Although…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 2, 2014

Last week's economic news was fairly quiet due to the Memorial Day holiday on Monday and no scheduled news released on Wednesday. Home Prices Post Modest Gains, But Growth Rate of Home Prices Slows Tuesday's release of the S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index for March showed that home prices are edging up, but at a slower pace than last year. Home prices increased by 12.40 percent year-over-year as compared to February's reading of 12.90 percent year-over-year. Analysts expected prices to fall as construction picks up and more homes are listed for sale. Lower demand due to strict mortgage lending standards…
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Did You Know? How Paint Color Choices Can Drastically Affect The ‘Mood’ Of Your Home

Whether you're sprucing up your house to sell or simply looking for a color to bring out the beauty of your home, it's imperative that you do your homework. Before you head off to your local DIY store with a paint sample in one hand and a wallet in the other, you need to ensure that you're picking the colors that are right for your home and your personality. It is true that you can never go wrong with a neutral, but you can also go so much more right with the correct color in the appropriate space, whether it's…
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Here’s How You Can Leverage Your Home To Reduce Your Tax Burden For Next Year

Each year around April, we can find ourselves becoming a little more tense at the thought of what is about to occur: tax time. Instead of falling into the trap of procrastinating your taxes, however, it's much more beneficial to face tax time head-on and do your research on your applicable deductions well in advance. Your home is good for many things, but using your home to reduce your tax burden may be one benefit you haven't thought of. Here are some tax benefits that can be leveraged with your home, and some ways to lower your tax bill in…
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