
Getting Past No: What To Do If You’re Turned Down For A Mortgage Or Other Home Financing

Getting pre-approved for a mortgage loan is an integral part of having the ability to purchase a home in today's society. With most home prices well above what the majority of us have in the bank, getting approved for a mortgage can be the deal maker or breaker when it comes to purchasing a piece of property. Therefore, getting rejected for a mortgage can feel like a huge loss. The first thing to realize, however, is that there are action steps you can take to get to "yes." Here's what to do if you're turned down for a mortgage or…
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Dos And Don’ts Of Buying Distressed Real Estate

Distressed real estate is real estate in need of serious repairs. These properties are often called "handyman specials." If you have the skill or the money to complete the repairs, you can often find great deals. Here are some dos and don'ts of buying distressed real estate. DO Get A Home Inspection Distressed homes need repairs. Some of these repairs, like broken floor tile, are easy to see. Others, like water damage in the attic, can be easily hidden. The only way to know for sure what you're buying is to have the property inspected by a professional home inspector.…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 23, 2014

Last week's scheduled economic news included the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index, Housing Starts and Building Permits. The Fed's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) issued its usual statement at the conclusion of its meeting, and Fed Chair Janet Yellen also gave a press conference. Home Builder Confidence Improves, but Housing Starts Slow NAHB released its Housing Market Index report, which reached its highest reading in five months. The index moved up from 45 to 49; a reading of 50 indicates that more builders are confident about housing market conditions than those who are not. David Crowe, NAHB…
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How To Attract High-End Buyers For Your Home For Sale

There's at least one good thing about the drop in the dollar and it's boosting the real estate market. Many high-end Europeans are now looking toward the U.S. for a vacation home or permanent residence, and that could mean big hope for your home for sale. However, this also means a different way of selling. Stage A Benefit No open house for high-end buyers. Host an event instead - maybe even a benefit dinner for a worthy charity. Let people come and view the property, but give them an avenue to mix and mingle as well. In addition, they get…
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Discover Why Your Home Isn’t Selling This Summer

Just when you think you've done everything you need to do to get your home ready for the market, months pass and your home doesn't sell. Consider a few factors that can effect your goal of selling your home. Priced Too High - If your home has an excessive asking price, it will be harder to sell. With so many homes available today, a big price tag may turn buyers off. And, your competition down the street may have the same home but a better price. The Market - No longer can you simply put a home on the market…
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4 Tips To Lower Homeowners Insurance For Your Home

With the prices for everything skyrocketing these days, every penny counts. This includes your homeowner's insurance costs. If you're thinking of buying a home and need homeowner's insurance, here are a few tips on getting quality insurance for a fair price: Tip #1: Shop Around Ask family and friends about their homeowner's insurance. Check the Yellow Pages, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and the state insurance department.  Other places to shop for insurance include consumer guides, insurance agents and online insurance quote services. Don't just look for lower prices, however. You need a fair price for the services…
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Wrought Iron, A Simple, Strong, And Beautiful Addition To Any Modern Home

Wrought iron is a classic accent that has been used to beautify homes for centuries. Its strong and simple elegance is a wonderful addition to any modern home and can be incorporated into home design in many different ways. A Masculine Addition To Any Design Wrought iron is considered to be masculine from a design standpoint. It is a great way to add depth and balance to a home. It works well with both light and dark palettes, and can be incorporated into most modern home designs. Because it is fabricated by welding, wrought iron has a strength beyond that…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 16, 2014

Last week's economic news was quiet in the housing sector, but retail sales and employment-related reports provided indications of less consumer spending and reduced consumer confidence. On Monday, James Bullard, St. Louis Fed President, commented that inflation appears to be rising. Although not a voting member of the Fed's Open Market Committee (FOMC), inflation has been a topic of concern to the FOMC in recent years. Mr. Bullard had previously noted that inflation was stable. His remarks set the stage for this week's FOMC meeting and press conference by Fed Chair Janet Yellen. Analysts expect the Fed to continue tapering…
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Three Easy Ways to Make Your Home More Inviting

Many home owners putting up their home for sale on the market don't have a lot of available cash to spruce it up. While staging houses is a definite plus, it can cost a fair amount of money, as do many of the other suggested "to-dos." Here are a few inexpensive and easy ways to make your home look more inviting to buyers. Put Up Your Personal Stuff Not every buyer looking at a home for sale appreciates the fact that someone still lives there. Putting away the your personal things can help the buyers' see themselves in the home.…
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DIY Or Hire It Done, Renovating Real Estate Investment Properties

Sometimes, when buying - or even thinking about buying real estate for investment purposes, you're faced with the need to fix up the property.  The question then arises: Should I fix it up myself or hire it done? Unfortunately, no one can give you the right answer. However, there are a few questions that you can ask yourself to help decide the issue: Do I Have The Time? Time is an issue that many people forget about, but it should be one of the deciding factors. Some renovations, such as handles, hinges or kitchen hardware can take very little time…
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