
Santa’s Landing Pad, Tips For Winter Roof Maintenance

It's that time of year again when the weather outside gets frightful but the holiday cheer is delightful. You've probably got a lot on your mind during these busy winter months, but make sure that you don't neglect the roof of your home. Taking care of your roof is an important part of home maintenance and you don't want to suffer a leak or any other problem during the cold months. So how can you make sure that Santa and his sleigh have a solid and well-maintained landing pad when they touch down at your house this year? Here are…
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Real Vs. Artificial Christmas Tree Helpful Tips

Few questions are more important this time of year than which Christmas tree you should buy for your home.  There are some things to keep in mind when looking for the perfect Christmas tree. Here are just a few: Real Or Artificial Tree? Real Christmas trees require some care; if you're planning to travel this holiday season, you may not want a live tree.  You must water the tree to make sure that it doesn’t lose its needles before Christmas day.  The live trees are not fire resistant, the dried out pine needles can get too hot from the lights…
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Sell Your Home Without Losing Precious Holiday Family Time

Putting your home on the market during the holiday season might seem like you're just inviting stress and frustration to come knocking on your door. However, December is a great time to sell because there are few homes on the market, buyers are serious and your house will be decorated to look nice and cozy. With the tips below, you can get your home ready to sell and ensure important family time by having the kids help out. Hire A Real Estate Agent Employing a professional will allow you to unload the worries that come along with selling a home.…
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Be Prepared For That Next Winter Storm With These Quick Tips

It's getting cold, and that means you're at risk for blizzards or ice storms. Depending on where you live, these winter storms can knock out the power for weeks. With these easy tips, you can be prepared for and even enjoy these storms. Stay Warm Losing power means losing heat, and that can be a pain. But trust me, you can live comfortably for a long time with no heat. The first step is to dress warm. Lots of light layers keep you warmer than one big coat, so layer up. Wear a hat or a hood as well. Your…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – December 9, 2013

Last week brought several indicators of a strengthening economy. New home sales, private and federal employment and mortgage rates rose. The Department of Commerce released construction spending numbers for October with mixed results. Although public projects fueled an 0.80 percent increase in month-to-month construction spending, residential construction fell by 0.60 percent. Analysts had expected an increase of 0.50 percent and also noted that the negative effect of the government shutdown was a "blip." October's reading for construction spending was the highest since 2004. CoreLogic released data that home prices rose by 0.20 percent, which represents a year-over-year growth rate of…
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4 Safety Tips To Prepare Your Home For the Cold Weather

As the temperature drops and we don more layers, it can be startling to realize how cold it's actually gotten. So before the snow starts piling up at your door, you'll want to get yourself prepared for winter and the harsh conditions it can bring. Below are a few cold weather safety tips to keep you and your home secure from Frosty's frigid touch. Keep The Cold Out If you haven't already winterized your home, then now is a good time to do it. Add extra insulation in your attic and walls, if possible. Caulk around windows and doorframes to…
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Creative Holiday Storage Solutions

Every holiday season when you get out the decorations, there always seems to be a period of organization where you need to untangle lights, sort out the broken ornaments and just get all of the trimmings in order. Next year, skip the hassle of sifting through everything. The year-to-year holiday storage strategies below will help make next December's decorating easy. Hide Paper Up High Utilize a space that is always vacant — the ceiling of your closet. Attach two strings of wire from the front wall above your closet door to the back wall. Make them parallel to each other…
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5 Tips On Selling Real Estate Even In The Brisk Cold

Any real estate agent will tell you that it's harder to sell your home in the winter. The days are colder and shorter, leaving less time to show your home to potential buyers.  The good news is that most of the buyers who are looking at houses in the winter aren't just killing time. They're serious enough about finding their new home to go house hunting at a time that most people would rather stay inside. There Are A Few Things You Can Do To Make A Good Impression On Home Buyers This Winter: Make sure all walkways are safe.…
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Case Shiller Price Index Shows A Spike In Home Prices In The West

According to the S&P Case-Shiller 10-and 20-City Housing Market Indices for September, home prices grew at an average of 13.30 percent year-over-year and achieved the highest growth rate for home prices since February 2006. On a month-to month basis, home prices are slowing in most areas with 19 cities included in the S&P 20-City Housing Market Index showing lower rates of growth in home prices. September's average month-to-month growth rate was 1.0 percent for the 20-City HMI as compared to 0.90 percent in August, and 1.90 percent posted earlier in 2013. Home prices increased by 0.70 percent in September for…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – December 2, 2013

The short holiday week brought a flurry of economic reports last week. Highlights included pending home sales, the S&P Case-Shiller Housing Market Indices and the FHFA home price index. No reports were released on Thursday and Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. The NAR released its Pending Home Sales report for October. Although pending home sales dropped by -0.60 percent, the decline was less than September’s reading of -4.60 percent. NAR cited higher home prices and mortgage rates along with concerns over the then-pending government shutdown as factors that contributed to fewer pending sales. Pending sales are determined by…
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